Omis, Krka National Park and Split

A short crossing this morning from the island of Brac to Omis which is on the mainland. The town of Omis is back-dropped by high cliffs. It used to be a pirate strong hold. Now it's a lovely sea side resort with a long stretch of beach, and the old town under the fortress on the cliffs. We walk out on the breakwater and watch several people spear fishing (we didn't see them catch anything), then back to town along the Cetina river. Some of houses are almost built into the cliff, and the rock climbers are right over the town! This seems to be an active place with climbing, hiking and rafting on offer. We stop for a coffee & to buy a print from an artist that trained in Split and Zagreb. We have a little over 2 hours to explore the town, then back to Split eating lunch on the way. Another great lunch, fresh tomato pasta, grouper served with cabbage and potatoes, and creme caramel for dessert.
At 2pm those of us who chose the optional tour head out for Krka national park. (50 Euro). About 1 hour 15 min drive through the mountains, with many tunnels and wind farms. Good toll road. The park is reached by a switch back road, only tour buses allowed. Our guide takes us on a circular route over the board-walk.
A really beautiful area, many small water falls. Lots of trout in the river, and birds singing all the time. Very soothing with the sound of the water & the birds under the trees.We also see many dragon flys and some frogs. Quite a few steps and it's quite muggy today. There are

a few people in the water but our guide says it's not as nice as the ocean. The water is very pure though, no pollution. It's hard to do justice when taking pictures here, really worth seeing.
We get back to Split a little after 6pm and have a short tour. We do our tipping and settle our bar bill before heading out to dinner with Dorian & Jessie, also Karin and Tore from Norway. We head over to the other side of the Riva and find a nice restaurant with outdoor patio. Ian & I share fish pate to start, then I have mussels and a salad, Ian has prawn & truffle pasta and fries. With a 1/2 liter of wine about $60.00 CAD.
Fantastic dinner and lots of fun. As we walk back along the Riva it's more crowded than the week before. I guess it's coming on high season!
Sad to have our last evening on the Kapetan Bota.

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